Phone consultation

☎  If you want a phone consultation, first of all decide exactly what you want to talk about – it could be just a problem plant, or a problem area. You could just want some ideas for plants to grow. Or you might be scratching your head and saying ‘Where do I start?’ If it’s the latter, collect as much relevant information about your garden as you can i.e. size, aspect, shape,  location, soil etc.

Possibly think about what you want from it longer term i.e. do you want an area to read a book in, do you want to grow vegetables and fruit or possibly just a riot of flowers, would you like to spend all your time gardening or a minimum few hours a year. Or have you got kids and want a compatible mix of playground, wildlife and plants. There are as many gardening styles as there are gardeners.

Take photos if possible of all or part of your garden. Or the area or plant that is concerning you.

Then just email me at, attach any photos and we can arrange a time to talk. Even if you don’t know quite what you want!